Gout is a chronic condition in which uric acid is deposited in the joints. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of this disease. But it is possible to reduce periods of exacerbation and prolong the phase of remission by observing strict dietary rules.
A diet for gout is aimed at normalizing the metabolism of purine and reducing the salt of uric acid in the body. What is this diet? And how should a patient eat during periods of exacerbation and persistent remission?
Diet for gout - description and general principles
Diet with exacerbation of gout and in the phase of persistent remission requires adherence to a special diet. The patient should eat 4 times a day at regular intervals. Fasting and overeating are simply unacceptable, as they can lead to the development of new attacks and a sharp deterioration in well-being. If the patient is overweight, then it is necessary to get rid of it. But not abruptly, but gradually.
Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended. During the phase of stable remission, at least two liters, during the period of exacerbation - at least three liters. At the same time, you can drink absolutely any liquid - teas, compotes, juices, jelly, mineral water, etc. It should be taken between meals, not with meals.
Allowed in small quantities:
- sausages;
- boiled poultry, beef and lean fish;
- salt (very little);
- tomatoes (no more than 3 pieces daily), cauliflower, bell peppers, greens, turnips and radishes, spinach, sorrel, celery;
- mushrooms;
- butter;
- milk (in cereals and tea);
- plums;
- Salo.
Recommended foods for a gout diet:
- poultry, rabbit meat;
- seafood;
- vegetable soups;
- eggs;
- low-fat fish;
- dairy products;
- porridge, noodles, bread;
- any nuts and seeds;
- white cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, blue ones, potatoes;
- dry fruits;
- green apples, citrus fruits, melons, gooseberries, avocados;
- berries (with the exception of raspberries);
- greens;
- natural juices and compotes, green and weak tea;
- vegetable oil.
List of prohibited foods:
- meat (fatty);
- meat, fish and mushroom broths;
- jellied meat and meat gravies;
- smoked meat products;
- semi-finished soups;
- meat offal;
- canned fish and caviar;
- coffee, cocoa and strong tea;
- beans, peas and other legumes;
- preservatives;
- animal fats;
- spices (excluding salt, vinegar and bay leaves);
- chocolate, baked goods, cream;
- alcohol, including beer;
- grapes, raisins, raspberries, figs.
Diet menu for gout
1 day
- a plate of fruit salad with yogurt and honey, tea with milk, crackers;
- milk or kefir;
- chopped vegetable soup with vegetable oil and herbs;
- potato cutlets, cream;
- boiled egg with cucumber;
- cottage cheese with yogurt.
2nd day
- tomato salad with cucumber and herbs, rye bread, coffee;
- cottage cheese casserole;
- boiled potatoes, stewed cauliflower, compote;
- sandwich with cheese, kefir;
- oatmeal, gingerbread, tea.
Day 3
- buckwheat milk porridge, tea;
- beet salad;
- pearl barley soup with vegetables, lean meat, cabbage salad with cucumber;
- compote with marshmallows;
- yogurt, avocado.
4th day
- 2 curds with jam, weak coffee;
- kefir with breadcrumbs;
- stuffed peppers (vegetables instead of meat), eggplant caviar, jelly;
- sandwich with cheese, compote;
- oatmeal porridge, tea.
Day 5
- 2 tomatoes, cottage cheese, coffee;
- fruit salad with yogurt;
- rice porridge, beef, tomato and cucumber salad;
- stewed vegetables with bread;
- boiled egg, tomato, compote with cookies.
6th day
- vermicelli with gravy, chicory;
- fruits;
- jelly;
- stewed zucchini with bell pepper, mashed potatoes, jelly;
- fresh vegetables;
- baked apple with cottage cheese, tea.
Day 7
- cottage cheese and tea;
- kefir and gingerbread;
- vegetable puree soup with rice, chicken meatballs, vegetable salad;
- yogurt with berries;
- stewed vegetables, jelly.
In the 20s of the twentieth century, a famous doctor was closely involved in the problem of gout. The diet for gout consists of low-calorie foods that balance the acids and alkalis in the blood. It should be eaten often and in small portions. Fasting days are recommended once a week.
Diet with exacerbation of gout prohibits the use of any meat or fish dishes. The diet includes mainly liquid food (milk and dairy products, enveloping fruit decoctions, vegetable soups, milk porridge). You need to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day. You cannot starve in the acute phase.
Diet recipes for gout sufferers
Here are some healthy and tasty recipes that will help you make your gout diet varied and fun.
Lenten borsch
- Boil water, add a little salt, add chopped potatoes (5 pcs).
- Fry the onions until golden brown, then add grated carrots and beets to it.
- Top up the tomato and boil.
- Cut the cabbage and, along with the tomato and vegetables, add to the pot to the almost finished potatoes.
- Before turning off, add bell pepper and herbs.
Squash caviar
- Cut a kilogram of zucchini, stew in a pan until the liquid evaporates.
- Separately fry the carrots and onions (0. 5 kg each), add a few tablespoons of thick tomato, boil.
- Add the resulting mixture to the courgettes, boil.
- Can be chopped with a blender.
Fried cauliflower
Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, put in boiling water for a few minutes.
- Make a batter of 2 eggs, a little salted and beaten with sour cream.
- Dip the cabbage into the mixture and fry in a preheated pan until golden brown.
Gout: Treatment with Folk Remedies
A diet for gout can be combined with treatment with various infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants. For example, you can make tea from blackcurrant and lingonberry leaves and rose hips mixed in equal proportions.
With gout, formulations of chamomile, dreaminess, roots of the saxifrage thighs help well. These decoctions are prepared at the rate of 3 teaspoons of raw materials for 2 cups of boiling water. You need to take the medicine in half a glass 2-4 times a day before meals.
Ginger drink is used as a folk remedy for gout. Preparation: Grate 10-20 g of the root and boil with a glass of boiling water. Take half a glass a day on an empty stomach. Ginger and gout are a good combination. Ginger root has a useful property - it cleanses the body, removes toxins and toxins.
Infusion of grape leaves and juice from berries should be drunk at least once a day before breakfast. Fresh grapes should also be consumed - and gout will gradually go into remission. Also, for the treatment of gout in folk medicine, a decoction of flax seeds is used. Preparation: 2 teaspoons of seeds are infused for 15 minutes in 3. 5 cups of boiling water, filtered and taken orally in a tablespoon 4 times a day.
Go completely on a diet - gout will begin to recede within a week. With the help of a diet, you can avoid aggravated symptoms of gout, reduce the risk of deep development of this ailment and improve the quality of your life. In this case, it is important to take into account the specific features of a person's health, his taste preferences. It is this approach that will make it possible to achieve positive results in the treatment of a complex disease.
Reviews and results of losing weight
The results of a diet for gout are the restoration of the normal metabolism of uric acid and a decrease in its salts in the body. If you stick to such a diet constantly, it will reduce the number of relapses of the disease. In addition, a side effect of dieting for gout is weight loss and lower blood cholesterol, which can help normalize blood pressure.
The doctors' comments on the diet for gout emphasize its usefulness and effectiveness. The menu of the therapeutic course of nutrition is varied, it provides the body with all valuable substances, and, at the same time, helps to cleanse the body. Such a dietary program can be used by absolutely healthy people for prevention.